Good morning,I am from Poland. I need to use english, but if it is simple to you please answer in Belarusian.I want to spend 3 weeks in Belarus. One week with person who invite me, two weeks travelling to Naroc ad Braslav lakes.I am a little bit worry about registraction procedure. I want to spend nights on agrotourism houses. I need a registration stamps on "immigration card". Problem is:- Because I need to fill this card and I want to spend only one night in one place do I need to go to immigration office (ovir) with house owner (хозяй) every time or just ask owner for a stamp (as usually doing on hotels (гостинница))How it looks on typical agrotourism house?ThanksAndrzek Kancler Андрзей, Kанцлер :: Варшава, Польша